Sunday, 27 January 2019

“ has stopped unexpectedly” error for Android Phones

The process name implies that it is related to SD card. FAT filesystem is very old and unreliable filesystem. Android stop apps to prevent further damage to your data.
Solution: Eject MicroSD card. Insert in card reader, plug to PC. Run chkdsk i: /f /x, where i- drive letter for your SD partition in Windows OS. Chkdsk shall find and fix the problem. Problem solved.

Chkdsk is very good utility command to flatten the storage disk and resolves out any issues and inconsistencies. Here are the options for chkdsk.
 chkdsk [volume[[path]filename]]] [/F] [/V] [/R] [/X] [/I] [/C] [/L[:size]]
The options and switches for Check Disk are used as follows: 
Volume Sets the volume to work with. 
filename FAT/FAT32 only: Specifies files to check for fragmentation. 
/F Fixes errors on the disk. 
/V On FAT/FAT32, this displays the full path and name of every file on the disk. On NTFS, this displays cleanup messages, if any. 
/R Locates bad sectors and recovers readable information (implies /F). 
/L:size NTFS only. Changes the log file size. 
/X Forces the volume to dismount first if necessary (implies /F). 
/I NTFS only. Performs a minimum check of index entries. 
/C NTFS only. Skips checking of cycles within the folder structure. 
Another command :
Diskpart (used for maintaining disk partitions)
List Disk (used for listing All disk)
Select Disk 1(used for selecting Disk 1)
Clean (The drive's partition, data, and signature is now removed. You will return to the diskpart prompt. Warning: Once you type clean and hit enter the drive will be erased. No warning will be provided.) Handle with Care!!!

File Storage on Hard Drive

To know the actual changes of hard drive after file deletion, we must know the storage of a file on hard drive at first. In Windows OS (Operating System), a hard drive is divided into 5 areas: MBR, DBR, FAT, DIR and DATA. 

mbr MBR (Master Boot Record): generated by Fdisk – the partitioning command, it is located in cylinder 0, head 0 and sector 1. When you see "55 AA", you should know it’s the end of MBR. 

dbr DBR (Dos Boot Record): generated by formatting command, it is located in cylinder 0, head 1 and sector 1. It’s the first sector that OS could have access to. It includes a bootstrap program and a BIOS parameter block. 
fat FAT (File Allocation Table): in Windows, a file is actually divided into several segments and each segment is saved into dispersed hard disk clusters. The connection information among different segments is saved in FAT. So when accessing a file, the system can find certain segments quickly and accurately according to records in FAT. 

dir DIR (Directory): this area is also known as FDT (File Directory Table), which records the information of each file (directory), such as starting & ending unit and attributes, in the root directory. 

data DATA: this is the exact place where the real content of files is stored. 

Popular Git Cammands

In today's digital modern era, Every IT company wants to use most collaborative form of development technique. Hence keeping that in mind today, i will try to cover most popular git commands which are normally used in project development.

Image result for git image

• git clone: clone a remote repository to your local.
• git add .: add all the changes in repository to staging.
• git pull : pull all branches with latest changes to your local.
• git status : to see what files have been created, modified or deleted.
• git add hello.js : to stage or simply add files.
• git reset HEAD : remove all staged files.
• git commit -m "comments" : commit the staged changes.
• git reset --soft HEAD~1 : undo your most recent commit and put those changes back into staging.
• git push : push your committed changes to a remote repository.
• git stash : save changes that you don’t want to commit immediately.
• git branch : list out all the branches.
• git checkout <branch> : switch to different branches.

Complete tutorial can also be found @